What to expect when you attend Gatherings at CoH:

We emphasize the importance of God’s Word and seek to establish everything we do on His instruction. For this reason, you’ll find Biblical preaching at the heart of every service. Preaching is delving into scripture with an emphasis on the application of truth and revealing the heart of God. Pastor Jeff is intentional about preaching so as to benefit all in attendance; for the young and the mature, for the believer and the one seeking. Further, when you come, prepare to be challenged. We are certainly sensitive to the struggles people face in today’s difficult times and are committed to relating lovingly to all. This, however, doesn’t mean we soften the truth. Rather, we believe the purity found in the unfiltered truth is the answer to today’s challenges.

God has given His children a priestly ministry, meaning this…because of the ministry of Christ to His church, we are privileged to come freely into His presence. That God would honor us in this way is a picture of His overwhelmingly abundant grace. In celebration of His goodness, you can expect to hear a modern worship band leading both choruses and more traditional hymns as we endeavor, as holistic worshipers, to give an offering that is volitionally, emotionally, physically, and intellectually balanced.

You can expect to see people in business casual and others in jeans.  While there is something to be said for bringing your best to God on every level, our being clothed in the righteousness of Christ is what matters to God. With this in mind, come as you are and the enjoy the worship and fellowship you will find at CoH.

Kids are a vital part of our church, and we pour a great deal of effort into ensuring that kids have a place in our church family. Harbor Kids is much more than a babysitting service. Your children will learn the Bible and learn with each other in a safe environment. We also understand that the church is no substitute for the responsibilities of parents to teach their kids, so we want to work alongside parents in building a solid Biblical foundation.

What better way to wrap up a morning of church than with a nice meal? Every week, we have a free lunch for everyone who attends church. This is a great opportunity to sit down with our pastors and church family and get to know each other in a real way.